It’s a special year for myself and the team at Isoline as we celebrate our 8th birthday. We’ve come a long way over the years, so we wanted to share the story behind how it all started and our journey.
Isoline started out as a one-woman-band, with the goal of creating content marketing campaigns that resonated in the same way all around the world: hence the company name. We’d have loved to call us ‘Nice Communications’ – “nice” also means extremely accurate and precise – but alas! the name was taken.
Fast forward to 2023 and the Isoline team consists of writers, strategists, SEO experts, operations specialists, and content marketers.

Some bragging rights
We’re normally quite reticent to share our successes, focussing instead on improving consistently, but it’s our birthday! I’m so proud of my team on so many fronts, here are just a few:
- Four award wins and twice as many nominations for different clients and campaigns. Not just for funky design, but solid business results.
- Staff loyalty and motivation – and general craziness (“This Friday’s quiz is about archaic musical instruments!”)
- Client love (“Our weekly calls are my favourite meeting of the week!”)
- An enviable new business win rate
- Volunteering and community support: our passions are mentoring young people, and animals
- Successfully embarking on our zero carbon journey: we’ve set baseline emissions and offset our carbon emissions for two years now
What have we been up to this year?
Thank you for asking!
Helping our clients through interesting times
When we started, we had a credo: to make our client’s lives better in any way we could. And we have fulfilled this vow by being flexible, reliable and proactive.
Being flexible with our clients takes many forms. First, we work with them on an ongoing basis to adapt our service delivery to their shifting needs. Often in content marketing, clients need to pivot to change plans, deliverables, or even overall positioning. We’ve made it a point to be as flexible as we can, working with them to adjust their service packages accordingly.
For other clients, we adapted the strategy for certain services. In all this adapting, we made it a point to be easy to reach for clients. This is one of our core competencies, it’s instilled into every member of the team to go above and beyond for our clients.
Growing our company and team
Our company has been especially fortunate during the pandemic as we’ve grown significantly. We’ve organically grown clients and added new ones from really exciting industries.
We’ve also added new team members to support our growth. Designers, social media specialists, writers, strategists, search experts, web experts. As our team grows, so does our knowledge and expertise. We hold each other accountable for staying up to date on all the latest trends in our industry. And we cross pollinate best practice to help our clients.
Caring for our community
Even as we grow at pace, we’ve made it a point to stay active as a company. Team members volunteer: our passions are caring for animals and mentoring young people.
And most excitingly, we’ve made a start on our carbon journey. We’ve established a baseline and tracked and offset our carbon emissions this year. Looking forward to a more sophisticated and maybe, one day, becoming a B-Corp.
Here’s to many more years of tackling new frontiers!
As always, we are so excited for the future of this little company that did good. We have a team that loves help clients grow and can’t wait to build new relationships with more amazing tech marketers. In the meantime, you know we’ll be learning and growing and looking for ways to give back to our community. That’s just who we are!
If you need a dedicated team to turbo charge marketing for your tech B2B business, we’re only an email away! Contact us today at to discuss how we can help your business.