5 brilliant B2B tech explainer videos


Video content might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about B2B tech marketing. I get it: sometimes it’s hard to picture how you can translate the complex processes and deeply technical processes that B2B tech is known for into the very visual language of video.

But that’s a lost opportunity, and the numbers back this up:

So, there’s a lot of value to be unlocked from video, especially a well-crafted explainer. Not sure how to go about it? Read our top tips and take inspiration from 5 brilliant brands who successfully implemented video in their marketing campaigns.

What is a tech explainer video?

First things first: what exactly do we mean by “explainer” video?

It’s what it says on the tin, really: an explainer video has to actually explain what and how the technology achieves its goals. The idea isn’t that you create a long, information- and stat-heavy piece of content that will wear your viewer down, or an industry context video that show things your audience will most likely already be familiar with.

At the same time, it can’t just be a screen grab of your software or live footage of your product. You need something that takes the essence of how your product works and captures it in engaging visual form.

Sounds hard? It’s not a simple balancing act to get right. Here are our top tips to get you started:

3 essential rules for your B2B tech explainer video:

  • Make it entertaining: Sure, your video has to convey information, but don’t expect your viewers to be interested just because of your product. As with all content marketing, injecting a creative element and making it visually pleasing is always a good idea. Otherwise, your – fallible, human – audience might switch off halfway, and you will never get the value you wanted out of your investment.
  • Be true to your brand: Authenticity is a must across all your content. When experimenting with new formats, many brands fall into the trap of creating something a little too daring and outside of their brand’s vision or scope. Doing so risks harming the image you’ve worked so hard to create.
  • Be mindful of length: The average attention span is currently no longer than 47 seconds of screen time. You don’t have to go quite so short, but do try to keep your videos under 2.5-3 minutes to keep the engagement high – and make sure you make those first few seconds count.

Want to see how it’s done? Here are 5 of our favourite examples:

Our favourite examples of tech explainer videos


Cisco’s explanation of routing solutions for hybrid working is truly exemplary, bringing together a straightforward, clear style, beautiful animation, and a peppy voiceover.

It also strikes the perfect balance between being fun and exciting to look at and keeping the visuals clean and professional. It is a sight for sore eyes amongst many overly chaotic or tedious corporate videos of the kind.


Did you know the ice age ended over 11000 years ago?

This video, created by us for Verdant Technologies, starts with a thought-provoking question before going into a comprehensive but snappy explanation of the company’s work. To make it understandable but keep the pace up, we combined a voiceover with on-screen text and minimalistic animation.

The end result is a beautiful visual which delivers crucial information to get a buyer interested in just over a minute. Who knew broccoli could be so photogenic?


It’s amazing what a well-chosen soundtrack can do!

Work management software provider Monday.com’s video could have been a static and one-dimensional run-through of the platform’s dashboards. Instead, the brand’s familiar colour palette and warm tone elevate it into a genuinely engaging viewer experience.

At the same time, the functionality of Monday.com’s platform remains visible, so the audience can get a good understanding of the value it can create for their business.


Telecommunications marketing isn’t always the easiest to get right, as the industry is full of complex and quickly developing concepts that can be hard to grasp in visual form.

The US-based telecoms company AT&T found an elegant, compelling way to get its message through with this Network Firewall video. It combines a futuristic style with a detailed but uncomplicated voiceover. What’s more, the video moves at a dizzying pace to suggest the forward-looking nature of the product and company alike.


Sometimes, a classic format is all you need!

In this explainer video, the digital transparency expert company Everledger layers beautifully crafted voiceover over realistic footage of its platform, demonstrating the ease of the user experience and giving a taste of the product’s capabilities.

It’s a polished approach that lets the product shine through. Perfect for a diamond-focused company!

Creating a successful B2B tech explainer video

Have we convinced you of the immense potential of tech videos for your B2B brand?

By taking inspiration from the great videos we have shared here, and following our tips, you can create an engaging, impactful informational video that will inspire your potential buyers to learn more and prompt them to start a conversation.

But if you want some expert help in creating a brilliant B2B tech explainer video, we’re happy to guide you. Speak to us now at hello@isolinecomms.com

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