4 clever B2B content promotion tactics that work

b2b content promotion

If you create a quality piece of content and no one sees it, does it matter?

A great asset deserves a great number of eyes on it, and so the way you promote your B2B content matters. But how can you stand out when everyone has the same goal?

Getting eyes on your content doesn’t take a work of magic. You need to get smart about promoting your content. Lucky for you, we’ve put together four clever B2B content promotion tactics.

1. Brand ambassador programmes

You’ve likely seen influencers online promoting companies that they’ve become ambassadors for, from phone cases to online therapy. But did you know this is a valuable tactic for B2B too?

86% of B2B brands who’ve used influencer marketing consider it successful, and a third have seen an increase in revenue and sales as a result. By utilizing people who have built up an online presence, you can tap into their audience. People are more likely to trust recognized and reliable sources, such as popular influencers, rather than a company promoting itself. Getting your content shared from other popular accounts not only allows more people to see it but also makes them more likely to engage with it.

Your own employees could also be your ambassadors through a LinkedIn advocacy programme. Sure, they might not have the pull of influencers, but their reach when sharing your content is still 561% greater than that of your corporate account.

2. Think like B2C

B2B marketing can often be overcomplicated. Picturing your audience as great, looming companies is a quick way to get overwhelmed. Instead, think about who you are specifically targeting. At the end of the day, it’s still a person who is looking at your content, and they want to be marketed to like they are a person, not a faceless organization.

Here are some handy B2C tactics that can help your content hit harder:

  • Personalisation: No one likes to feel like they’re just one of many. Regardless of B2B or B2C, people want to feel like they are important to your company. By personalising your content, you can hit closer to your customer’s specific interests. Tailor your content to your customers by offering personalised content recommendations and customizing email messages.
  • Triggered messaging: Like how you might get an email from an online shopping site if you don’t check out the items in your basket, you can do the same with your content. If people register for a webinar but don’t attend, this could trigger an email sharing a recording of the webinar and the opportunity to speak to a representative.

3. SEO, SEO, and more SEO

The importance of SEO cannot be undermined. And whilst most B2B companies are now considering it, it isn’t enough to slap a keyword in some content and call it a day. You should have a clear B2B SEO strategy that works for all content you produce.

A simple way to spice up your strategy can be to align it with your B2B sales and marketing funnel. Just like you create content to tailor to people at different stages in the funnel, your SEO keywords can do the same. For top-of-funnel, use keywords and phrases that are broad enquiries. For bottom-of-funnel, use more specific terms that people might be searching for about you and your solutions.

4. Get techy with it

We have a world of tech at our fingers, so get the best out of it where you can! And for B2B marketing, there are a few ways the world of tech can benefit your content promotion.

Automation is a simple yet unbelievably useful tool to work smarter and not harder. By automating content promotion like email sequences or social media posts, you can save yourself the trouble of remembering (or forgetting) when to post. Automation tools can also make sure the right content is being shared with the right people and does this at the right time. It can remove the guesswork and heavy lifting from content promotion.

Tools like Missinglettr can not only schedule social media posts but will actually create posts from your blog content for a year!

Work smarter, not harder.

Whether you’re looking for new ways to boost your content promotion or have no idea where to start, the answer is often much simpler than you would think. From taking advantage of tech to using online influencers, expanding the reach of your content doesn’t have to seem like an insurmountable task.

Want to find out how we can help? Get in touch at hello@isolinecomms.com